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At LIRMM, about 30 scientists (researchers, engineers, postdoc, and PhD students) from computer science, robotics and microelectronics teams apply their work to the exploration and the monitoring of the aquatic environment, from deep karstic zones to the most remote oceanic areas, by developing innovative tools in collaboration with biologists, ecologists, archaeologists, hydrologists, chemists, or mechanics. The research is organised around these main topics:


Adaptive Controller ACL AI-based methods Marine litter Underwater robotics Computer Vision Spectroscopy Manipulation BPSK Adaptive Control Modélisation Cable driven parallel robot Cable-Driven Parallel Robots ASV Real-time experiments Underwater Robotics Adaptive control Digital processing Mechanical design Robotics Underwater vision Underwater vehicles SLAM Stability analysis Adaptive Disturbance Observer Approche contextuelle Cable-driven parallel robots Acoustic mapping Stereovision Dataset Bioimpedance Marine Robotics 3D Reconstruction Karstic Exploration Bioimpedance spectroscopy 3D reconstruction Disturbance observer Archéologie sous-marine Bioimpédance Architecture de simulateur Hadrware-in-The-Loop Body composition estimation Trajectory tracking Underwater Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Adaptive sampling Architecture de contrôle Cable driven robot 3D Robotique Sliding Mode Control Calibration de caméra Bluefin tuna Architecture logicielle de contrôle Large Atlantic bluefin tuna Robotique sous-Marine Autonomous underwater vehicle Multi-frequency Fish Intra-body communication Super-Twisting Algorithm Marine robotics Real-Time experiments Archéologie Biomimetic Benchmark Cables model Modeling 3D modelling Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Underwater archaeology Commande Robust control 3D registration Back-reef depression Architecture of Hardware-in-The-Loop simulator Sliding mode control AUVs Environment Exploration Audio Purse seine Biodiversity Archeology ROV Calibration Camera calibration Body area network Control Underwater vehicle Bird Robotique sous-marine Identification Path following Robotic Underwater Archaeology Backstepping Reconstruction 3D AUV Galvanic coupling Karst Electronic tagging