index - Représentation de Connaissances et Langages à Base de Règles pour Raisonner sur les Données

Current information systems are grounded on the exploitation of data coming from an increasing number of heterogeneous sources. Coping with the variety of data requires paradigms for effectively accessing and querying information that adapt to the different types of sources, as well as declarative high-level languages to drive the data processing and data quality tasks. The BOREAL team focuses on the study of foundational and applied issues of reasoning, in a context of data variety. The team builds upon its expertise in knowledge representation and automated reasoning to devise novel techniques for heterogeneous and federated data management which leverage in particular on expressive rule languages.

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Existential Rules Linked open data Cheesemaking Knowledge Base Hyperproperties Computability Theory Ontology-based data access Chase Decidability Ontology Logic Functional Diagram Causality Direct access Functional dependencies Database theory Food Data Integration Agroecology First-order logic Database query processing and optimization theory LTL Service crop Database inconsistency Knowledge Graphs Machine ethics Computer science Knowledge discovery Human Robot Interaction JAAD Knowledge representation Logique Answer Set Programming Gradual Semantics Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Argumentation Expert knowledge Query rewriting Inconsistency handling Ethique des machines Decision support systems Computational aspects of knowledge representation Accès aux données médiatisé par une ontologie Factorised databases Knowledge representation and reasoning Ecosystem service Core Control Knowledge graph Food packaging Knowledge representation languages Agroécologie Approximation Expertise integration Knowledge based data management Complexity Disjunctive Existential Rules Benchmarking Existential rules Gestion des données basée sur des connaissances Database repairs CO2 Solubility HyperLTL Automated planning Reasoning with Existential Rules Reasoning Data Quality Ontologies Logic and computation Apprentissage automatique Collaborative planning Informatique Food Compositional parameters Logic programming ASP Lexicographic ordering INRAE Rules Integrity constraints Know-how Bayesian Network Conjunctive queries Join queries Annotated databases Hypertree decomposition Disjunctive existential rules Functional trait Knowledge Representation Graph based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Probabilistic model Disjunctive Chase Termination Datalog Knowledge Integration Ethics Constraint translation Human-aware task planning Databases Aggregate queries Knowledge reasoning Computational complexity of reasoning Logic