index - Digits, architectures et logiciels informatiques

The DALI team is developing a unified research theme to improve the numerical quality and high performance of calculations. DALI allows the interaction, rare in France within the same team, of experts in micro-architecture and computer arithmetic. On the performance side, our work focuses on exploiting the ever-increasing computational potential of processors: path widening (vector micro-architecture), multiplication of cores (task parallelism), increased instruction parallelism. On the arithmetic side, the numerical quality of scientific computing applications and the operating safety of embedded applications depend crucially on the mastery of finite precision and floating-point arithmetic in particular. It is a question of controlling and certifying calculations (algorithms, codes) but also of optimising the precision of results. Many software applications, both scientific and embedded, need to improve numerical quality without sacrificing speed of execution. Thus, performance improvement and numerical quality come together.

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Binary polynomial multiplication Architecture des ordinateurs AMNS Error-free transformation Side channel analysis Code synthesis Memory Storage C software implementation Arithmétique flottante Automated design Elliptic curve PRBG Reproductibilité Code Synthesis VLIW integer processor Compensation Performance FPGA Finite element Asynchronous iterations Pseudo-random Floating-Point Arithmetic Binary floating-point arithmetic Kulisch long accumulator Multi-precision Cryptography GPGPU Fuzzy intervals Program Transformation Accuracy Matrix multiplication Floating-point arithmetic Error-free transformations Arithmétique des ordinateurs IEEE 754 Cryptographie GPU Abstract Interpretation Reproducibility Numerical accuracy Arithmétique des corps finis Elementary functions IEEE754 Standard Parallel implementation Optimized recursive reconstruction Long accumulator Performance evaluation Automated code synthesis Cosmic radiation Fixed-point arithmetic Toeplitz matrix Certified numerical accuracy Execution-time performance BLAS Logistic map Correct rounding Abstract interpretation Instruction level parallelism Accurate summation Polynomial evaluation RNS Graphic Processing Units Karatsuba Floating-Point Numbers Block recombination Computer arithmetic Multi-criteria optimization Compensated algorithms Parallel algorithms OpenTelemac Finite field PerPI Chaotic map Parallelism Midpoint-radius Modular Exponentiation ECC Précision Multi- and many-core architectures Parallel floating-point summation Determinism HPC Efficient Software Implementation Digital Signature Computer architecture Code generation RSA Binary field Modular exponentiation Parallélisme d'instruction Numerical reproducibility Horner scheme Domain decomposition Multiplication scalaire Multiplication Numerical Reproducibility Scalar multiplication Randomization Hydrodynamics simulation Differential power analysis