The ICAR team brings together researchers from the Robotics and Computer Science departments around the research topic of "image" and more generally visual data. The team is currently composed of 11 permanent research members from University of Montpellier, CNRS and CHU Montpellier, but also counts among its close collaborators researchers in remote sensing from the TETIS laboratory or in agronomy modelling from CIRAD.

The ICAR team develops research themes associating interaction and processing of visual data such as 2D, 3D, multi-spectral (nD) images, videos or nD+t image sequences and 3D objects whether in the form of 3D meshes or parametric modelling.

The team is structured according to 4 research themes :

  • Analysis & Processing
  • Multimedia Security
  • Modelling & Visualisation
  • Artificial Intelligence for Visual Data

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Image processing Intégrale de Choquet Virtual reality Inverse problem H264/AVC Segmentation Three-dimensional displays Multimedia security Modélisation Identification Computer vision Stéganographie Signal processing in the encrypted domain Modelling Standards Robustness Image analysis Apprentissage profond LiDAR Crypto-compression Data Hiding Clustering Image compression Databases 3D object security Modeling Image encryption Commerciaux Lidar Maxitive kernels Apprentissage Virtual Reality Edge detection Visualization Security SLAM Region segmentation Combinatorial map Real-time experiments Visualisation 3D security Learning Reverse engineering Control Deep-learning 3D object JPEG2000 3D selective encryption 3D points cloud Steganalysis Digital watermarking Machine learning Encryption Brain Authentication Reversible data hiding Adaptation 3D mesh Stéganalyse IMAGERIE COMBINATOIRE Deep Learning CNN Cryptography Underwater vehicle 3D Object Underwater robotics Arithmetic coding Insertion de données cachées Selective encryption Print-and-scan process Deep learning JPEG Agroforestry Compétences sociales Réalité Virtuelle Marine robotics H264 Beautification Adaptive control Sécurité multimédia Data hiding Convolutional Neural Network Possibility theory Correlation Choquet integral Classification Estimation Imprecise probabilities Possibility 3D Compression Watermarking Noise Underwater vehicles Signal processing Steganography Managers Augmented reality Image security TCQ