
The Centre-Val de Loire INSA develops a cutting-edge multidisciplinary scientific policy, shared within the Centre-Val de Loire University Community of Universities and Institutions (COMUE), including Orléans University, Tours François-Rabelais University and research organsations in the Centre Region.

The Centre-Val de Loire INSA's commitment to broadening its relations with the business world and move innovation on is reflected in the twofold teaching and research responsibilities that most of its educational staff undertake.

The Centre-Val de Loire awards the PhD and carries out joint supervision of 6 laboratories:



Research Group for Materials, Microelectronics, Acoustics and Nanotechnologies
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 Orléans Computer Science Laboratory
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Gabriel LAME

 Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering
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 Multidisciplinary in the general domain of engineering sciences
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 Tours University Computer Science Laboratory
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