D. Boyd, S. Golder, and G. Lotan, Tweet, tweet, retweet: Conversational aspects of retweeting on twitter. Proc. of HICSS, 2010.

P. Kostkova, E. Quincey, and G. Jawaheer, The potential of Twitter for early warning and outbreak detection, Proc. of ECCMID, 2010.

M. F. Porter, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, vol.14, issue.3, pp.130-137, 1980.

B. Rosoor, L. Sebag, S. Bringay, P. Poncelet, and M. Roche, Quand un tweet détecte une catastrophe naturelle, Proc. of VSST, 2010.

T. Sakaki, M. Okazaki, and Y. Matsuon, Earthquake shakes Twitter users: real-time event detection by social sensors, Proc. of WWW, pp.851-860, 2010.

, Summary With over 15 million of users of Twitter in 2010, millions of messages (less than 140 characters) are available. Based on the LANGMA project (collaboration Web Report / LIRMM), the developed software aims to process large amount of data