Level of Detail Based AI Adaptation for Agents in Video Games
This paper suggests multi-agent systems (MASs) for implementing game artificial intelligence (AI) for video games. One of main hindrances against using MASs technology in video games has been the real-time con- straints for frame rendering. In order to deal with the real-time constraints, we introduce an adaptation-oriented approach for maintaining frame rate in acceptable ranges. The adaptation approach is inspired from the level of detail (LoD) technique in 3D graphics. We introduce agent organizations for defining different roles of agents in game AI. The computational requirements of agent roles have been prioritized according to their functional roles in a game. In this way, adapting computational requirements of game AI works as a means for maintaining frame rate in acceptable ranges. The proposed approach has been evaluated through a pilot experiment by using a proof of concept game. The pilot experiment shows that LoD based adaptation allows maintaining frame rate in acceptable ranges and therefore enhancing the quality of service.
Multiagent Systems [cs.MA]Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |