Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications (CLA 2016)
The 13th International Conference on \Concept Lattices and Applications (CLA 2016)" was held at National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia from July 18 until July 22, 2016. The CLA conference, organized since 2002, aims to provide to everyone interested in Formal Concept Analysis and more generally in Concept Lattices or Galois Lattices, an advanced view on some of the last research trends and applications in this eld. It also aims to bring together students, professors, researchers and engineers, involved in all aspects of the study of concept lattices, from theory to implementations and practical applications. As the diversity of the selected papers shows, there is a wide range of research directions, around data and knowledge processing, including data mining, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation, reasoning, pattern recognition, together with logic, algebra and lattice theory.