, Theorem 5.2 It is N P-complete to decide whether an undirected graph G = (V, E) has a vertex partition

?. For-each-clause-c-j,

.. .. , ? Add new vertices ? 1

.. .. , ? Add new vertices ? 1

, Note that, by construction, for every good partition every vertex of G which is not in R must belong to V 2 . In particular if a path P i,j contains a vertex of V 2 then all the vertices of P i,j are in V 2 . Since we want G[V 2 ] to be connected, the edges between ? i , ? i , i ? [n] and R imply that for every i ? [n] at most one of the vertices a i,1 , a i,2 and a most one of the vertices b i,1 , b i,2 can belong to V 1 . This implies that exactly one of a i,1 , a i,2 and exactly one of the vertices b i,1 , b i,2 belong to V 1 as otherwise V 1 would be empty. Now it is easy to check that the desired partition exists if and only if R contains a cycle C which uses precisely one of the paths P i,1 , P i,2 for i ? [n] and avoids at least one literal vertex for every clause of F. Thus, by Theorem 2.2, F is satisfiable if and only if G has a good partition, We claim that the resulting graph G has a vertex partition

, ) such that G[V i ] is connected and has a cycle for i = 1, 2 if and only if G has a pair of disjoint cycles and either G is connected or it has exactly two connected components

, Theorem 5.4 It is N P-complete to decide whether a graph G = (V, E) has a vertex partition

, G(F) be the graph we constructed in the proof above. Let G 1 be the graph obtained by adding the following vertices and edges to G: ? add new vertices c j , j ? [m], q j , j ? {0}

, c m q m ? complete this path into a cycle W by adding the edges ?q 0 , ?q m ? add an edge from ? to all vertices in {? 1

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