Conference Papers Year : 2024

Owl-Vision: Augmentation of Visual Field by Virtual Amplification of Head Rotation


The human visual field is limited due to the eyes being located on the front of the face. Although head rotation can expand the visual field, it is also limited by the biomechanical constraints of the neck. Due to these constraints we need to turn our bodies when we want to see beyond 180 degrees in either direction. To address this issue, we have developed a sensory augmentation system that expands the visual field by intervening in the visuo-motor transformation between our vision and head rotation. The ’Owl-Vision’ system virtually amplifies the rotation angle relative to the actual head rotation, enabling 180-degree vision in either direction (360 degrees in total) controlled by a natural user head movement of 90 degrees in either direction. The system was implemented using a 360-degree camera mounted on a head-mounted display and in virtual environments. The usability of the Owl-Vision system was evaluated and found to be good and similar to our normal (not-amplified) vision system. This system provides a ’natural’ and effective method of sensory augmentation of the visual field.


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lirmm-04756271 , version 1 (28-10-2024)



Michiteru Kitazaki, Ryu Onodera, Yasuyuki Inoue, Yukiko Iwasaki, Gowrishankar Ganesh. Owl-Vision: Augmentation of Visual Field by Virtual Amplification of Head Rotation. AHs 2024 - Augmented Humans International Conference, Apr 2024, Melbourne VIC, Australia. pp.275-277, ⟨10.1145/3652920.3653048⟩. ⟨lirmm-04756271⟩
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