Distribution of Responsibility During the Usage of AI-Based Exoskeletons for Upper Limb Rehabilitation
The ethical issues concerning the AI-based exoskeletons used in healthcare have already been studied literally rather than technically. How the ethical guidelines can be integrated into the development process has not been widely studied. However, this is one of the most important topics which should be studied more in real-life applications. Therefore, in this paper we highlight one ethical concern in the context of an exoskeleton used to train a user to perform a gesture: during the interaction between the exoskeleton, patient and therapist, how is the responsibility for decision making distributed? Based on the outcome of this, we will discuss how to integrate ethical guidelines into the development process of an AI-based exoskeleton. The discussion is based on a case study: AiBle. The different technical factors affecting the rehabilitation results and the human-machine interaction for AI-based exoskeletons are identified and discussed in this paper in order to better apply the ethical guidelines during the development of AI-based exoskeletons.