index - ADAptive Computing Access content directly

The ADAC team , whose mission is the design of adaptive systems and components capable of self-managing to optimize performance, conducts research on the exploration, simulation, and definition of innovative embedded hardware and software architectures, with a focus on the systems’ on-line adaptation to their environment. These strategies aim to optimize system performance in terms of energy efficiency, compliance with application constraints, safety or reliability. This work is based on integrated parallel (multi-core and multi-processor systems) or distributed (grids, sensor networks) computing and attempts to integrate the use of non-volatile emerging technologies such as magnetic memories (MRAM) with new properties.

Significant resources are committed to the definition of the various facets of adaptive systems such as measurement (sensors), data fusion/integration, online decision-making and actuation (task migration, among others). This work is contextualized in various application domains ranging from IoT to intensive computing and digital security.

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Scheduling FPGA Rowhammer Multiprocessing systems Data centre Microarchitecture Equilibrium propagation Energy efficiency M2M Adaptation Renewable energy Simulation Reliability Decentralized network Mini data centre Modeling Energy-efficiency Internet of Things Hardware Deep Learning Multi-threaded programs Adaptive systems DRAM Memory architecture Differential Power Analysis Privacy Network-on-Chip Embedded systems Magnetic RAM Weight Sharing Multicore systems FPGA security Convolutional Neural Network Trust Neural networks Physically unclonable function Parallel programming languages Approximate computing Design space exploration Side-channel attacks Non volatile memory BigLITTLE Fog computing STT-MRAM Education Energy Distributed systems Generative Adversarial Network Memory hierarchy Model Compression Architecture Computer vision Blockchain Cryptography Network-on-chip Machine learning Machine Learning Monitoring Resource allocation Edge computing Silent stores Detection Hardware security Efficacité énergétique Design methodology Computer architecture Architecture mémoire Security Parameter exploration Framework Error analysis Deep learning Mitigation Performance Hardware Accelerator Gem5 RSA Design-for-Trust Internet des Objets Deep Neural Networks Delays Sustainability Performance evaluation Power PQC Logic Locking Approximate Computing Embedded System Lightweight cryptography Analog Gem5 simulator Design Space Exploration IP Protection OpenMP Caches IoT MRAM Data Distribution Service Gateway Multicore processing