index - Algorithmes, Graphes et Combinatoire

Research of the AlGCo team is focused on theoretical and algorithmic investigations of classical combinatorial structures: mainly graphs, but also signed graphs, directed graphs, matroids, oriented matroids… Our motivations are fundamental (questions about partitioning, coloring, embedding, isomorphisms, bijections…), algorithmic (notably related to parametrized complexity: fixed-parameter-tractable algorithms, existence of polynomial kernels), or applied in connection with other domains (computational biology, imaging, morphometry, network modelization, data science, artificial intelligence…).

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Kernelization Coloring Discrete Mathematics Vertex cover Bipartite graph Irrelevant vertex technique Graph decomposition Algorithm Flat Wall Theorem Pattern avoidance Planar graph Digraph Reconfiguration Immersions Phylogenetic networks Linear kernels Edge contraction Discharging method Chordal graphs Sparse graphs Combinatoire Minimal triangulation Graph colouring Graph drawing Graph algorithms Graph decompositions Erdős–Pósa property Combinatorics Avoidability Parameterized complexity Cutwidth Coloration Approximation algorithm Linkages NP-completeness Activity Complexity Intersection graphs Clique-width Combinatorics on words Bidimensionality Robust optimization First-order logic Hitting minors Clique tree Branchwidth FPT algorithm Graph modification problems Analysis of algorithms Bramble Tournament Parameterized algorithms 2-partition Tutte polynomial Tournaments Induced subgraphs Chromatic number Approximation algorithms Graph minors Basis Algorithms Edge coloring Graph theory Duality Fixed-parameter tractability Graph Minors Polynomial kernel Well-quasi-ordering Complexité paramétrée Obstruction set Oriented matroid Digraphs Complexity dichotomy Optical networks Directed disjoint paths Protrusion decomposition Phylogenetics Treewidth Dynamic programming Maximum average degree Computational complexity Exponential Time Hypothesis Directed graphs Single-exponential algorithm Directed tree-width Discharging procedure Pathwidth Topological minors Interval graphs Graph coloring Planar graphs Girth Bijection Graph Matroid Homomorphism Obstructions 2-distance coloring Hyperplane arrangement Graphs