index - Robotique mobile pour l'exploration de l'environnement Access content directly

The EXPLORE team works mainly on underwater robotics. Its challenge is to design an underwater robotic systems that can safely carry out complex missions in full autonomy, despite the severity of the constraints imposed by the aquatic environment.

Its research activities concerns the design and the development of theoritical and experimental tools for mobile robot exploration.

The complemenrary competencies of the team members allow to propose and implement new solutions on robots using a fault tolerant control architecture offering several autonomy levels and performance guarantees. Visit our Website here
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Robotics Autonomous underwater vehicles ASV AUV Timed automata Underwater Localisation Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Underwater Robotics Resources management Fuzzy logic Robotic Architecture de contrôle Mobile robot Bottom tracking Underwater vehicles Abstraction de modèle Stereovision Model checking Active 3D reconstruction Acoustic detection Robotique mobile Fault tolerance Control Acoustic diffraction Robotique Acoustique Distributed simulation Mobile robotics Adaptive control Control architecture Acoustic Occlusion detection Tolérance aux fautes Safety AMDEC Navigation Robot Navigation Robotique sous-marine Suivi de fond Chronic venous disease Vehicle routing 3D Occupancy Grid 3D registration Informatique industrielle 3D FPGA Scheduling Algorithms Path following Diffraction Distance Localization Path planning Marine robotics AI-based methods Architecture Perception Mobile Robotics Dependability SLAM Formal analysis Autonomous underwater vehicle Approche contextuelle Simulation Environment Exploration Détection acoustique Underwater vehicle Autonomy Performance Underwater robotics Lower limb veins Performance guarantee Optimisation Possibility distribution Real-time systems Actuator saturation Reconstruction 3D Mapping Petri nets Modeling Autonomie Viscoelasticity Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Robust control Computer vision Langage C Implementation Multi-vehicles simulator Orientation Karstic Exploration Formal verification Nonlinear control Collision avoidance Microcontrôleur Validation Precision agriculture Object tracking 3D reconstruction Change Management