index - Graphs for Inferences on Knowledge

Research of the AlGCo team is focused on theoretical and algorithmic investigations of classical combinatorial structures: mainly graphs, but also signed graphs, directed graphs, matroids, oriented matroids… Our motivations are fundamental (questions about partitioning, coloring, embedding, isomorphisms, bijections…), algorithmic (notably related to parametrized complexity: fixed-parameter-tractable algorithms, existence of polynomial kernels), or applied in connection with other domains (computational biology, imaging, morphometry, network modelization, data science, artificial intelligence…).

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Selection criterion RDF RDFS Explanation Artificial intelligence Argumentation framework Ontologie Inconsistency Knowledge representation Linked data Outil d'aide à la décision Decision Support System Graphes Conceptuels Existential Rules Sustainability Ontologies Reverse engineering Decision making Applications Decision support system Agent-based simulation Représentation des connaissances Semantic Web Algorithme Web sémantique Animal food product TOPIC MAPS Rules Knowledge integration Deduction Datalog+ Data integration Conceptual graphs Decision support CONCEPTUAL GRAPHS Analyse multicritère Experiments Annotation Knowledge bases Règles existentielles Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Decidability Query language Heuristics Information integration Query answering Knowledge base Alternative Conceptual Graph Agrifood chain control Modeling Intelligence Artificielle Homomorphisme Graphes conceptuels OWL Intelligence artificielle Knowledge Representation Artificial Intelligence Food packaging Conceptual graph Reasoning Agroalimentaire Argumentation First-order logic SPARQL Conceptual Graphs Homomorphism Algorithms Databases Ontology-Based Data Access Acyclicity Graphes Déduction ASPIC+ Argumentation Framework Critère de choix Aide à la décision Ontology Chase Description Logics AI Backward chaining Existential rules Query rewriting Expert knowledge Knowledge management Graphs Flexible querying Argumentation systems Negation Base de connaissances Algorithm Preferences Conjunctive Queries with Negation Informatique TGD Complexity Semantic web Information extraction Logic-based argumentation