The TEXTE team develops models and tools for processing natural language and designing necessary resources, i.e. generating lexical corpora, producing text summaries by compression as well as automatic translation. This research focuses on the automatic analysis of the syntax and the lexical semantics of languages by using rather symbolic and logical methods, and on the development and acquisition of resources (lexical network, grammar) for natural language processing.

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Vecteurs conceptuels Machine Learning Compositional semantics Two-sorted first order logic Extraction de connaissances Proof graphs Computational linguistics Classification Type Theory Base de connaissances Information retrieval Terminology Compositional vector semantics Text Mining Relations sémantiques Ontology Population Cognitive linguistics Computational Semantics Natural Language Processing Risk Management Semantic vector models Fouille de textes Natural Langage Processing Type-logical grammar Information Extraction Conceptuals vectors Syntaxe Pregroup grammars Inference Conceptual vectors Logic for information retrieval systems Semantic Collocations Compact bilinear logic Consolidation Type theory Artificial Intelligence Bell States Semantics Réseau lexico-sémantique Cross-serial dependency Parsing Lambek calculus Natural language semantics Compact Closed Categories Terminologie Lexical semantic network Argumentation Lexical Semantics Categorial grammar Fouille de Textes Analyse formelle de concepts Agreement of reflexive pronouns and clitics in French Augmentation sémantique Data mining Natural language processing Thesaurus Validation Semantic relations Lexical functions Proof theory Analyse de données Réseau lexical GWAP NLP Categorial grammars Computational semantics Logique mathématique BioNLP Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel Proof nets Machine Translation Quantum logic Complement control Text mining Théorie de la démonstration Compact closed categories Linguistics Indexation thématique Categorization Knowledge base Annotation Syntax Logic Attack Graphs Lexical semantics Corpus Inférence de relations Formal linguistics Instance Recognition Rules Acquisition lexicale Lexical network Analogy Concept spaces JeuxDeMots Crowdsourcing Information Retrieval Compound noun-phrases Type-logical grammars Biomedical document processing