Crosstalk Evaluation: The Influence of Inductance and Routing Orientation
Rapid progress in integrated circuit technology has led to an increase in the switching speed of the digital chip. As a result, there is a growing interest in the inductance associated with signal lines. In this paper, we show the influence of inductance and routing orientation on crosstalk voltage by considering two configurations of parallel coupled interconnects, one with both drivers on the same side, and the other with the drivers in opposite directions. For a typical DSM (deep-sub-micron) process, we show that when standard distributed RC models are used and inductive effects and routing orientation are ignored, large errors can occur in the prediction and evaluation of the crosstalk voltage: the discrepancy rates can reach a mean value of 23% for the same direction and 52% for the opposite direction for the near-end crosstalk and 44% for the same direction and 39% for the opposite direction for the far-end crosstalk. The routing orientation can lead to a mean difference of 35% for the near-end crosstalk and 24% for the far-end crosstalk.