Improving drag-and-drop on wall-size displays
On wall-size displays with pen or touch input, users can have difficulties reaching display contents located too high, too low, or too far away. Drag-and-drop interactions can be further complicated by bezels separating individual display units. Researchers have proposed a variety of interaction techniques to address this issue, such as extending the user's reach (e.g., push-andthrow) and bringing potential targets to the user (drag-and-pop). In this paper, we introduce a new technique called push-and-pop that combines the strengths of push-and-throw and drag-and-pop. We present two user studies comparing six different techniques designed for extending drag-and-drop to wall-size displays. In both studies, participants were able to file icons on a wall-size display fastest when using the push-and-pop interface.
Interface homme-machine [cs.HC]