Conference Papers Year : 2007

Performances of Galois Sub-hierarchy-building Algorithms


The Galois Sub-hierarchy (GSH) is a polynomial-size repre- sentation of a concept lattice which has been applied to several fields, such as software engineering and linguistics. In this paper, we analyze the performances, in terms of computation time, of three GSH-building algorithms with very different algorithmic strategies: Ares, Ceres and Pluton. We use Java and C++ as imple- mentation languages and Galicia as our development platform. Our results show that implementations in C++ are significantly faster, and that in most cases Pluton is the best algorithm.
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lirmm-00163381 , version 1 (17-07-2007)



Gabriela Arévalo, Anne Berry, Marianne Huchard, Guillaume Perrot, Alain Sigayret. Performances of Galois Sub-hierarchy-building Algorithms. ICFCA: International Conference Formal Concept Analysis, Feb 2007, Clermont-Ferrand, France. pp.166-180, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-70901-5_11⟩. ⟨lirmm-00163381⟩
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