Reports Year : 2010

FMA and HMTP Portal in OWL: Reconciling Ontology with Terminology in Life Sciences via Metamodeling


The aim is to highlight how it is possible to reconcile ontologies and terminologies in Life Sciences via metamodeling. The paper focuses on the Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA). The first part describes the FMA ontology formalization in OWL 2. The second part presents the Health Multi-Terminologies Portal (HMTP) of French terminologies implemented in OWL. It explains how its FMA terminology was obtained from the FMA ontology by reification. The FMA ontology and terminology illustrate how ontologies and terminologies can be made compatible via metamodeling. Advantages and possible means to bind the two views even more closely are discussed in conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, no complete representation of the FMA ontology and terminology in OWL 2 existed so far.


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lirmm-00534124 , version 1 (08-11-2010)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00534124 , version 1


Christine Golbreich, Julien Grosjean, Stéfan J. Darmoni. FMA and HMTP Portal in OWL: Reconciling Ontology with Terminology in Life Sciences via Metamodeling. RR-13012, LIRMM, University of Montpellier. 2010. ⟨lirmm-00534124⟩
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