Book Sections Year : 2011

Difficulty and Scenario Adaptation: An Approach to Customize Therapeutic Games


Post-stroke therapeutic game is considered as a promising rehabilitation tool since it can enhance the rehabilitation outcomes by creating a motivating environment. A therapeutic game could provide a personalized rehabilitation session in which the training intensity, duration and challenges can be adapted to patient's abilities and training needs. In this chapter, we present a generic adaptation approach that aims to customize the therapeutic game's experience. Our objective is to provide the readers with a design steering method that takes into account practical issues related to adaptation of post-stroke therapeutic games.
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lirmm-00646324 , version 1 (29-11-2011)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00646324 , version 1


Nadia Hocine, Abdelkader Gouaich. Difficulty and Scenario Adaptation: An Approach to Customize Therapeutic Games. Games for Healthcare - Applications and Implications, pp.30, 2011. ⟨lirmm-00646324⟩
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