Supervised image segmentation using Q-Shift Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform coefficients with a texton approach
In this study, we propose a simple and efficient texture-based algorithm for image segmentation. This method constitutes computing textons and bag of words (BOWs) learned by support vector machine (SVM) clas- sifiers. Textons are composed of local magnitude coeffi- cients that arise from the Q-Shift Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) combined with color components. In keeping with the needs of our research context, which addresses land cover mapping from remote images, we use a few small texture patches at the training stage, where other supervised methods usually train fully representative textures. We accounted for the scale and rotation invariance issue of the textons, and three different invariance transforms were evaluated on DT-CWT-based features. The largest contribution of this study is the comparison of three classification schemes in the seg- mentation algorithm. Specifically, we designed a new scheme that was especially competitive and that uses sev- eral classifiers, with each classifier adapted to a specific size of analysis window in texton quantification and trained on a reduced data set by random selection. This configuration allows quick SVM convergence and an easy