Dynamic Compact Model of Self-Referenced Magnetic Tunnel Junction
Self-referenced magnetic tunnel junction (SR-MTJ) is a magnetic device that offers better characteristics when compared with its contenders. In this paper, electrical behavior of SR-MTJ was modeled using Verilog-AMS language based on reformulated magnetic physical equations. In addition, it incorporates all major characteristics of an MTJ, such as hysteresis and dependence of the resistance with respect to bias voltage and temperature. The model was designed to consider SR read approach and two modes of writing, direct and indirect. Electrical simulations were performed on an SR-MTJ enabling any read/write operation sequences. Results show that sample and hold read approach and both write modes were achieved.
magnetic devices
magnetic tunnelling
sample and hold circuits
Verilog-AMS language
bias voltage
magnetic device
magnetic physical equations
self-referenced magnetic tunnel junction
Frequency modulation
Magnetic switching
Magnetic tunneling
Mathematical model
Macro model
magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ)
self-referenced MTJ (SR-MTJ)