Conference Papers Year : 2015

Building the O-Life Franco-Lebanese Environmental Observatory Using Sensor Web Enablement Framework : Challenges and First Approach


This paper introduces an approach how the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) framework of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) will be used in order to build a franco-lebanese observatory. We present the practical application of SWE services as a source of real-time observation data and the associated technical architecture for making the observations available on the Web to end users near real-time. We discuss the question of crossing sensor data with other data sources, e.g., data provided by human observations. We illustrate our approach with a first use case to monitor the snow weather stations in Lebanese Mountains.
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lirmm-01381091 , version 1 (01-11-2019)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-01381091 , version 1


Hicham Hajj-Hassan, Nicolas Olivier Arnaud, Laurent Drapeau, Carla Khater, Anne Laurent, et al.. Building the O-Life Franco-Lebanese Environmental Observatory Using Sensor Web Enablement Framework : Challenges and First Approach. SENSORCOMM, Aug 2015, Venise, Italy. ⟨lirmm-01381091⟩
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