Conference Papers Year : 2020

Practical comparison of FCA extensions to model indeterminate value of ternary data


The Knomana knowledge base brings together knowledge from the scientific literature on the use of plants with pesticidal or antibiotic effects on animals, plants, and human beings to propose protection solutions using local plants. In this literature, the elements of the 3-tuple (protected organism, protecting plant, pest) are named using the binomial nomenclature consisting of the genus name followed by the species name. In some instances, authors use the abbreviation "sp." in the singular or "spp." in the plural, as species name, to indicate the indeterminate status of the species for a guaranteed genus. To suggest protection solutions, the indeterminacy of the species has to be hypothesized based on assigning the sp./spp. to the other species in the same genus and conversely. This paper discusses the classification of ternary data containing some indeterminate values generated by three extensions of Formal Concept Analysis.
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Cites 10.18167/DVN1/VNCZYA Dataset Martin, Pierre; Ferré, Sébastien; Gutierrez, Alain; Huchard, Marianne; Keip, Priscilla; Silvie, Pierre, 2024, "Dataset on Spodoptera used to conduct the practical comparison of FCA extensions to Model Indeterminate Value of Ternary Data",

Dates and versions

lirmm-03105801 , version 1 (11-01-2021)



  • HAL Id : lirmm-03105801 , version 1


Priscilla Keip, Sébastien Ferré, Alain Gutierrez, Marianne Huchard, Pierre Silvie, et al.. Practical comparison of FCA extensions to model indeterminate value of ternary data. CLA 2020 - 15th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Jun 2020, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.197-208. ⟨lirmm-03105801⟩
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