Best practices in e-assessments with a special focus on cheating prevention
In this digital age of the computer, Internet, and social media and Internet of Things, e-assessments have become an accepted method to determine if students have learned materials presented in a course. With acceptance of this electronic means of assessing students, many questions arise about this method. What should be the format of e-assessment? What amount of time? What kinds of questions should be asked (multiple choice, short answer, etc.)? These are only a few of the many different questions. In addition, educators have always had to contend with the possibility that some students might cheat on an examination. It is widely known that students are often times more technologically savvy than their professors. So how does one prevent students from cheating on an e-assessment? Understandably, given the amount of information available on e-assessments and the variety of formats to choose from, choosing to administer e-assessments over paper-based assessments can lead to confusion on the part of the professor. This paper presents helpful guidance for lecturers who want to introduce e-assessments in their class, and it provides recommendations about the technical infrastructure to implement to avoid students cheating. It is based on literature review, on an international survey that gathers insights and experiences from lecturers who are using e-assessment in their class, and on technological evaluation of e-assessment infrastructure.