Conference Papers Year : 2022

A Lightweight, Plug-and-Play and Autonomous JTAG Authentication IP for Secure Device Testing


As any other circuits, secure devices need to be tested to ensure their reliability. Nevertheless, test infrastructures, such as JTAG or scan chains, can maliciously be used to steal secret data stored or processed in secure devices. In this paper, we explore a lightweight solution to protect JTAG access based on a challenge-response authentication protocol. A JTAGauthentication dedicated IP is presented. Design alternatives for quick IP plug-and-play, security, area and test time optimization are presented and evaluated.
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lirmm-03739783 , version 1 (28-07-2022)



Sébastien Lapeyre, Nicolas Valette, Marc Merandat, Marie-Lise Flottes, Arnaud Virazel, et al.. A Lightweight, Plug-and-Play and Autonomous JTAG Authentication IP for Secure Device Testing. ETS 2022 - 27th IEEE European Test Symposium, May 2022, Barcelona, Spain. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/ETS54262.2022.9810364⟩. ⟨lirmm-03739783⟩
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