index - Interactive Digital Humans

The goal of IDH (Interactive Digital Humans) is to develop robots for helping people in healthcare and industrial scenarios.
Our expertise lies in the robot software (control, perception, artificial intelligence) rather than its hardware (mechanical and electronic design).
In a nutshell, we provide existing commercial robots with the cognitive capabilities needed to help humans. First, our robots must be capable of inferring the human intention, using multimodal sensing. This requires solid representations of the human model, and expertise in the use of cutting edge sensors to update this model and to control the robot accordingly.
These sensors include 3D vision, tactile/proximity skins and even human-machine interfaces (BCI and EMG), with an emphasis on signal processing and machine learning applied to physiological and human movement data.
A crucial objective is that the user controls the robot in a transparent way, to ultimately feel embodied in his/her augmented avatar.
To achieve this feeling of embodiment, our robots are anthropomorphic, i.e., humanoid.
A huge research challenge consists in controlling their whole body (feet, arms, head…) to realise multiple simultaneous tasks (just as we humans do). This often requires planning and controlling in real time the robot contact points with the environment as well as with the human user, in a manner that should be safe for robot, person and environment.
Recently, we have pushed these aspects forward, towards non-conventional manipulation, including intentional impacts, and intentional deformation of soft objects..

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Mapping of collaborations


Human-robot collaboration Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion Cooperative systems Mobile manipulator Sensor-based control Visual Servoing Chebyshev center Robotique humanoïde Contact modeling Optimization Visual servoing Multi-contact Tetraplegia Trajectory Robot kinematics Cameras Human-Robot Interaction Robotic Manipulation Automatique Physical Human-Robot Interaction Humanoid Computational geometry Center of mass Active compliance Motion capture Context aware services Model predictive control Contrôle Tracking Design Robots Spectral analysis Deformable Plastic Objects Haptics Adaptive control Balance Physical human-robot interaction Humanoid robot embodiment Manipulators Medical robotics Compliant soles Humanoid locomotion Kinematics Human-robot interaction Motion Planning Posture Legged locomotion Robot vision systems Identification Manual material handling Humanoids Sensors Task analysis Robotics Ambient Assisted Living Calibration Humanoid robots Quadratic programming Awake brain surgery Teleoperation Control Planning Robotique Force Robots humanoïdes Collaborative robots for manufacturing industry Force control Constraints Kinematic control Architecture de contrôle logicielle Manipulation Planning Action Visualization Robot control Embodiment Motion planning Activity recognition Aging Robot sensing systems Haptic interfaces Torque control Manipulation Contact planning Recurrence quantification analysis Complexity theory Humanoid robot Optimisation Humanoid robotics Adaptive systems Motion control Registration Discretization Biped walking robot Compliant control Motor coordination Telerobotics Complexity Contact Planning Humanoid Robots Dynamics