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The WEB³ team aims to work on the issues, scientific and technological obstacles underlying the Web. It works more particularly on the architectural issues of the web, to exploit and extend the protocols of representation and exchange of data and knowledge; to allow better understanding and better processing of information and data.

The team’s work revolves around three major axes:

  • Web architectures
  • Semantic Web
  • Web of Data

The team is interested in fundamental topics (e.g., knowledge extraction, recommendation of datasets, alignment of ontologies, linking and merging of data, knowledge graphs, ontologies) but also in applications to many fields, in particular cultural heritage, health, finance, agronomy-environment and sociology.

The specificity of the team is to address these three dimensions of the Web simultaneously.

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Ontology Machine Learning Semantic annotation Web sémantique Knowledge graphs Ontologies biomédicales Data Governance Geographic Information Linked data Data Mining Semantic web Semantic Web Emerging patterns Data linking Indexation thématique FAIRness assessment EOSC Semantic MapReduce Ecosystem Knowledge representation Lebanon Data Mesh Blockchain Ontologies Ontologie BioPortal RDF Ontology registry Fuzzy logic Linked open data FAIR principles Ontology matching Data lake Formal Concept Analysis Graph Databases Interdisciplinarité Ontology Matching Ontology alignment Linked Data FAIR NoSQL Graph Databases Alignement d'ontologies Metadata Management Pattern Structures FAIR-IMPACT Ontology metadata FRBRoo Governance Vocabularies Claims Metadata Data interlinking Extraction de connaissances Classification Environmental Observatory NoSQL graph databases Knowledge Graphs Background knowledge Anchoring Data integration Données liées Gradual patterns Instance matching Biomedical ontologies Agriculture Fuzzy join NoSQL Ontology repository Gradual Patterns Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative O-Life Semantic artefacts Machine learning Semantic artefact Derivation Indirect matching Requirements Engineering FAIR Principles Data mining FAIR assessment Data crossing Mappings FAIR Implementation Framework Ontology services Ontology repositories AgroPortal Knowledge Graph Background knowledge selection Analyse formelle de concepts Augmentation sémantique Knowledge graph Data Lake External resource Annotation sémantique Semantic artefact catalogue Formal concept analysis Fact-checking FAIR data Ingénierie des Exigences