Conference Papers Year : 2005

Par4: Very High Speed Parallel Robot for Pick and Place

Vincent Nabat
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 845011
Sébastien Krut
Maria de La O Rodriguez
  • Function : Author


This paper introduces a four-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator dedicated to pick-and-place. It has been developed with the goal of reaching very high speed. This paper shows that its architecture is particularly well adapted to high dynamics. Indeed, it is an evolution of Delta, H4 and I4 robots architectures: it keeps the advantages of these existing robots, while overcoming their drawbacks. In addition, an optimization method based on velocity using Adept Motion has been developed and applied to this high speed parallel robot. All these considerations led to experimentations that proved we can reach high accelerations (13 G) and obtain a cycle time of 0.28 s.
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lirmm-00106125 , version 1 (20-12-2017)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00106125 , version 1


Vincent Nabat, Olivier Company, Sébastien Krut, Maria de La O Rodriguez, François Pierrot. Par4: Very High Speed Parallel Robot for Pick and Place. IROS: Intelligent Robots and Systems, Aug 2005, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ⟨lirmm-00106125⟩
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