Conference Papers Year : 2005

An Integrated Image Motion Sensor for Micro Camera Module


This paper deals with the building of a vision sensor which provides standard video capture and the associated global motion between consecutive frames. We aim at proposing embedded solutions for mobile applications. The application we focus on is video stabilization. Therefore the global motion we consider here is the one typically produced by handheld devices movement. We extract this global motion from local motion measures at the periphery of the image acquisition area. Thanks to this peculiar and “taskoriented” configuration, we take advantage of CMOS focal plane processing capabilities without sacrificing the sensor fill factor. We have at first validated the technique by software. Then we have designed peripheral custom pixels dedicated to motion detection and we are implementing it in a CMOS 0.13µm technology.
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lirmm-00106497 , version 1 (16-10-2006)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00106497 , version 1


Fabrice Gensolen, Guy Cathébras, Lionel Martin, Michel Robert. An Integrated Image Motion Sensor for Micro Camera Module. VLSI-SoC: Very Large Scale Integration - System-on-Chip, Oct 2005, Perth, Australia. pp.333-338. ⟨lirmm-00106497⟩
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