Conference Papers Year : 2004

Decentralized Control Strategy for Cooperative Mobile Robots


The main goal of this paper is to define, study and analyse a remote control architecture for a set of non- holonomic robotic vehicles. This project (ACCORD) gathers three laboratories and the French Army Re- search Office. Each of these laboratories deals with a part of this multidisciplinary project which in- cludes coordinated control, control architecture, con- trol with time delay and monitoring of the wireless network. In this paper, we propose to present the whole goal of this project including the basis experi- mental setup developed to validate our control algo- rithm. Secondly, we focuse on a new decentralized control strategy that uses the Leader-Follower prin- ciple. The originality of this paper stems from the use of the signal level of the wireless connection as a control vector. Indeed, each vehicle is fitted with two wireless devices. One of them is equipped of a sector antenna fitted on DC-motor to track the direction of better receiving level. Thus, it allows us to know the relative angular position of the Follower pointing out the Leader. By using the wireless technology as sensor instead of vision for instance, allows a longer distance of coordinated control loop between each vehicle (approx. 100m) even if the GPS information is not available.
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lirmm-00108781 , version 1 (23-10-2006)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00108781 , version 1


Philippe Fraisse, David Andreu, René Zapata, Jean-Pierre Richard, Thierry Divoux. Decentralized Control Strategy for Cooperative Mobile Robots. ICARV: International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Dec 2004, Kunming, China. pp.1011-1016. ⟨lirmm-00108781⟩
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