Conference Papers Year : 2006

Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach


Designing class models is usually an iterative process to detect how to express, for a specific domain, the adequate concepts and their relationships. During those iterations, the abstraction of concepts and relationships is an important step. In this paper, we propose to automate this abstraction process using techniques based on Formal Concept Analysis in a model-driven context. Using UML2.0 class diagrams as modeling language for class models, in this proposal we show how our model-driven approach enables parameterization, tracing and generalization to any metamodel to express class models.
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lirmm-00120143 , version 1 (13-12-2006)



Gabriela Beatriz Arévalo, Jean-Rémy Falleri, Marianne Huchard, Clémentine Nebut. Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach. MoDELS: Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Oct 2006, Genova, Italy. pp.513-527, ⟨10.1007/11880240_36⟩. ⟨lirmm-00120143⟩
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