Journal Articles Revue Internationale d'Ingénierie des Systèmes de Production Mécanique Year : 2003

Performance estimation of the firm process: the view from a production engineer

Estimation de Performance de Processus d'Entreprise : la Vue de l'Ingénieur de Production


Performance estimation of enterprise processes is generally performed by using models dedicated to a particular point of view (temporal, financial, etc.). Furthermore this estimation does not take into account the impact of actors competences. This paper presents a new approach which allows to analyse a process considering simultaneously several types of performance taking into account the own characteristics of the actors involved in the process. This approach, which has been developed within an industrial project is illustrated by the way of an example presenting an industrial process.
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lirmm-00269790 , version 1 (03-04-2008)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00269790 , version 1


Christine Coves, Didier Crestani, Vincent Chapurlat, François Prunet. Estimation de Performance de Processus d'Entreprise : la Vue de l'Ingénieur de Production. Revue Internationale d'Ingénierie des Systèmes de Production Mécanique, 2003, 7, pp.26-35. ⟨lirmm-00269790⟩
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