Patents Year : 2002

Bi-Axial Coplanar Apparatus


An apparatus comprising a frame, a mobile platform and first and second linearly-actuated slides supported on a base connected to the frame. The first and second slides are movable along a line defining a first axis. The apparatus may include a first driving connector movably coupled to the first slide and to the mobile platform, and a second driving connector movably coupled to the second slide and to the mobile platform, such that the mobile platform is displaceable within at least two degrees of freedom defined by linear motions along the first axis and a second axis, the second axis being coplanar and orthogonal to the first axis. An end effector may be also coupled to the mobile platform, the end effector having an axis aligned in a direction defined by the second axis. The end effector may comprise, for example, a tool or a gripper.


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Dates and versions

lirmm-00269838 , version 1 (03-04-2008)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00269838 , version 1


Reuven R. Katz, Yoram Korem, François Pierrot, Zhenyu Li. Bi-Axial Coplanar Apparatus. United States, Patent n° : US20020092272. 2002. ⟨lirmm-00269838⟩
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