Book Sections Year : 2008

Visual Analytics: Definition, Process and Challenges


On a grand scale, visual analytics solutions provide technology that combines the strengths of human and electronic data processing. Visualization becomes the medium of a semi-automated analytical process, where humans and machines cooperate using their respective distinct capabilities for the most effective results. The diversity of these tasks can not be tackled with a single theory. Visual analytics research is highly interdisciplinary and combines various related research areas such as visualization, data mining, data management, data fusion, statistics and cognition science (among others).
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lirmm-00272779 , version 1 (11-04-2008)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00272779 , version 1


Daniel Keim, Gennady Andrienko, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Carsten Görg, Jörn Kohlhammer, et al.. Visual Analytics: Definition, Process and Challenges. Andreas Kerren and John T. Stasko and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Chris North. Information Visualization - Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives, 4950, Springer, pp.154-175, 2008, LNCS. ⟨lirmm-00272779⟩
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