March Test Generation Revealed
Memory testing commonly faces two issues: the characterization of detailed and realistic fault models and the definition of time-efficient test algorithms. Among the different types of algorithms proposed for testing static random access memories, march tests have proven to be faster, simpler, and regularly structured. The majority of the published march tests have been manually generated. Unfortunately, the continuous evolution of the memory technology introduces new classes of faults such as dynamic and linked faults and makes the task of handwriting test algorithms harder and not always leading to optimal results. Although some researchers published handmade march tests able to deal with new fault models, the problem of a comprehensive methodology to automatically generate march tests addressing both classic and new fault models is still an open issue. This paper proposes a new polynomial algorithm to automatically generate march tests. The formal model adopted to represent memory faults allows the definition of a general methodology to deal with static, dynamic, and linked faults. Experimental results show that the new automatically generated march tests reduce the test complexity and, therefore, the test time, compared to the well-known state of the art in memory testing.