Conference Poster Year : 2009

Towards the Selection of Induced Syntactic Relations


We propose in this paper to use NLP approaches to validate induced syn- tactic relations. We focus on a Web Validation system, a Semantic Vector-based approach, and finally a Combined system. The Semantic Vector approach is a Roget-based approach which computes a syntactic relation as a vector. The Web Validation technique uses a search engine to determine the relevance of a syntactic relation. We,experiment our approaches on real-world data set. The ROC curves are used to evaluate the results.

Dates and versions

lirmm-00370826 , version 1 (25-03-2009)



Nicolas Béchet, Mathieu Roche, Jacques Chauché. Towards the Selection of Induced Syntactic Relations. ECIR'09: 31th European Conference on Information Retrieval, Apr 2009, Toulouse, France. Springer-Verlag, Advances in Information Retrieval, LNCS (5478), pp.786-790, 2009, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-00958-7_86⟩. ⟨lirmm-00370826⟩
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