Conference Papers Year : 2010

Global Methodology in Control Architecture to improve Mobile Robot Reliability


This paper presents a global methodology devel- oped to increase the reliability of mobile robots. An initial analysis of robot functions and their corresponding significant failures enabled us to introduce dedicated observation modules in the embedded architecture to monitor fault events. Once detected, the functioning mode of the robot can be adapted according to the failure severity level to ensure the success of its mission. The methodology was applied in a case study and the experimental implementation and results are detailed.


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lirmm-00547867 , version 1 (17-12-2010)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00547867 , version 1


Bastien Durand, Karen Godary-Dejean, Lionel Lapierre, Didier Crestani. Global Methodology in Control Architecture to improve Mobile Robot Reliability. IROS: Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2010, Tapei, Taiwan. pp.1018-1023. ⟨lirmm-00547867⟩
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