Conference Papers Year : 2010

Automatic Titling of Electronic Documents with Noun Phrase Extraction


Automatic titling (i.e. providing titles) is one of key domains of Web site accessibility. This paper provides an approach allowing the automatic titling of texts (e.g. emails, fora, etc.) relying on the morphosyntactic study of human written titles in a corpus of various texts. The method is developed in four stages: Corpus acquisition, candidate sentences determination for titling, noun phrase extraction in the candidate sentences, and finally, selecting a particular noun phrase to play the role of the text title (ChTITRES approach). The method has been evaluated by ten users, and the satisfaction enquiry shows that the titles selected through this process are relevant.
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lirmm-00563903 , version 1 (07-02-2011)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00563903 , version 1


Cédric Lopez, Violaine Prince, Mathieu Roche. Automatic Titling of Electronic Documents with Noun Phrase Extraction. SOCPAR'10: SOft Computing and PAttern Recognition, France. pp.168-171. ⟨lirmm-00563903⟩
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