Reports Year : 2011

A Survey of Agent Programming and Adaptive Serious Games


This paper provides a survey of software agents in adaptive serious games. It outlines the most important challenges of the game design such as adaptation. The study (i) overviews the state of the art of behavior programming in agent-based games (ii) provides our further reflection about the agent programming model dedicated to therapeutic serious game (iii) and finally introduces some major challenges to be addressed by the community in the medium term.
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lirmm-00577722 , version 1 (17-03-2011)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00577722 , version 1


Nadia Hocine, Abdelkader Gouaich. A Survey of Agent Programming and Adaptive Serious Games. RR-11013, 2011, pp.8. ⟨lirmm-00577722⟩
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