Conference Papers Year : 2012

From Abstract to Executable BPEL Processes with Continuity Support


The real value of Web services under the SOA paradigm lies in their ability to be assembled to obtain a new functionality. Assembling Web services can be achieved through a standard called BPEL, which creates executable processes by orchestrating Web service invocations. The problem with BPEL is the inability to separate the process description from its realization. In other words, it requires a prior retrieval of concrete Web services, which can be very challenging regarding the issues surrounding service discovery and selection. In this paper, we propose to separate a BPEL process description from its realization. We extend the notion of abstract BPEL processes, in order to enable developers to describe their desired orchestrations abstractly without identifying concrete services, according to three levels: the needed functionality, the expected QoS levels, and the composition flow. Then, the abstract BPEL process is realized by a selection framework that automatically discovers, classifies, and selects suitable services to render the process executable. Backup services are also discovered to assure the continuity of the realized process.
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lirmm-00727018 , version 1 (31-08-2012)



Zeina Azmeh, Marianne Huchard, Fady Hamoui, Naouel Moha. From Abstract to Executable BPEL Processes with Continuity Support. ICWS 2012: 19th International Conference on Web Services, Application and Experience Track, Jun 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. pp.368-374, ⟨10.1109/ICWS.2012.124⟩. ⟨lirmm-00727018⟩
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