Conference Papers Year : 2012

A Sound and Complete Backward Chaining Algorithm for Existential Rules

Mélanie König
Michel Leclère
Michaël Thomazo


We address the issue of Ontology-Based Data Access which consists of exploiting the semantics expressed in ontologies while querying data. Ontologies are represented in the framework of existential rules, also known as Datalog+/-. We focus on the backward chaining paradigm, which involves rewriting the query (assumed to be a conjunctive query, CQ) into a set of CQs (seen as a union of CQs). The proposed algorithm accepts any set of existential rules as input and stops for so-called finite unification sets of rules (fus). The rewriting step relies on a graph notion, called a piece, which allows to identify subsets of atoms from the query that must be processed together. We first show that our rewriting method computes a minimal set of CQs when this set is finite, i.e., the set of rules is a fus. We then focus on optimizing the rewriting step. First experiments are reported.
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lirmm-00764341 , version 1 (12-12-2012)
lirmm-00764341 , version 2 (30-05-2013)
lirmm-00764341 , version 3 (07-11-2013)



Mélanie König, Michel Leclère, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Michaël Thomazo. A Sound and Complete Backward Chaining Algorithm for Existential Rules. RR'2012: International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Sep 2012, Vienna, Austria. pp.122-138, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-33203-6_10⟩. ⟨lirmm-00764341v2⟩
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