Segmentation of 3D dynamic meshes based on Reeb graph approach
This paper presents a new segmentation approach, for 3D dynamic meshes, based upon ideas from Morse theory and Reeb graphs. The segmentation process is performed using topological analysis of smooth functions defined on 3D mesh surface. The main idea is to detect critical nodes located on the mobile and immobile parts. Particularly, we define a new continuous scalar function, used for Reeb graph construction. This function is based on the heat diffusion properties. Clusters are obtained according to the values of scalar function while adding a refinement step. The latter is based on curvature information in order to adjust segmentation boundaries. Experimental results performed on 3D dynamic articulated meshes demonstrate the high accuracy and stability under topology changes and various perturbations through time.
Mots clés
computational geometry
computer graphics
image segmentation
pattern clustering
3D dynamic articulated meshes
3D mesh surface
Morse theory
Reeb graph construction
continuous scalar function
curvature information
heat diffusion properties
refinement step
segmentation process
smooth function topological analysis
Feature extraction
Motion segmentation
Three-dimensional displays
3D dynamic meshes
Reeb graph
heat diffusion