Patents Year : 2015

Verfahren und vorrichtung zur bestimmung der lage eines raumfahrzeuges durch nachverfolgung von sternen

Method and Apparatus for Determining Spacecraft Attitude by Tracking Stars

Procédé et appareil permettant de déterminer l'attitude d'un astronef par suivi d'étoiles


A method and a device for determining the attitude of a spacecraft by attitude determination using fast star identification using a so-called star tracker is proposed with an improved algorithm with pattern extraction based on rings having an equal area. In some embodiments a confidence value is attributed to the candidates of the matching process improving significantly the verification process.
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Dates and versions

lirmm-01421483 , version 1 (22-12-2016)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-01421483 , version 1


Andrey Khorev, Lionel Torres. Method and Apparatus for Determining Spacecraft Attitude by Tracking Stars. France, Patent n° : EP15307060A. 2015. ⟨lirmm-01421483⟩
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