Conference Papers Year : 2017

Combined Argumentation and Simulation to Support Decision


Although modeling argument structures is helpful to make involved parties understand the pros and cons of an issue and the context of each other's positions, stakeholders have no means to anticipate the impacts of adopting the debated solutions, let alone to compare them. This is where using simulation approaches would greatly enrich the deliberation process. This paper introduces an approach combining argumen-tation and simulation. We consider a case study in which both are used to assess and compare cultural options available to farmers.
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lirmm-01580585 , version 1 (01-09-2017)
lirmm-01580585 , version 2 (19-06-2023)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-01580585 , version 2


Rallou Thomopoulos, Bernard Moulin, Laurent Bedoussac. Combined Argumentation and Simulation to Support Decision. IEA/AIE, Jun 2017, Arras, France. ⟨lirmm-01580585v2⟩
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