Conference Papers Year : 2022

Neutron Irradiation Testing and Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant RISC-V System-on-Chip


The radiation in harsh environments affects electronic systems, inducing permanent and temporary errors. These effects lead to unpredictable behaviors detrimental to critical applications and fail-safe systems. This work evaluates the reliability of a fault-tolerant RISC-V System-on-Chip (SoC) under atmospheric neutron irradiation in a particle accelerator. Prior work has analyzed the effectiveness of the hardening techniques of this SoC in simulation and provided a preliminary characterization in an irradiation facility. The applied hardening techniques showed a significant reliability improvement compared to the unhardened implementation of the SoC. The system executed a performance benchmark as workload, which finished correctly in most runs despite suffering from Single Event Effects (SEEs). This work presents a detailed analysis of the experimental results, reporting error rates and classification, extending the analysis given in previous works. Finally, a comprehensive discussion of implementation limitations and the proposition of further improvements are provided.
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lirmm-03833983 , version 1 (28-10-2022)



Douglas Almeida dos Santos, André Martins Pio de Mattos, Lucas Matana Luza, Carlo Cazzaniga, Maria Kastriotou, et al.. Neutron Irradiation Testing and Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant RISC-V System-on-Chip. DFT 2022 - 35th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, Oct 2022, Austin, United States. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/DFT56152.2022.9962335⟩. ⟨lirmm-03833983⟩
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