Conference Papers Year : 2023

AI-based Human Tracking for Remote Rehabilitation Progress Monitoring


Human movement analysis takes on great importance in the field of research related to artificial intelligence because it is used in many applications such as sports and rehabilitation. Human action analysis may be accomplished by anticipating the body's essential posture. The two most important parts of video-based human action analysis are recognizing actions and following the body. In this research paper, we present an effective model for human tracking for some human range of motion using artificial intelligence technology. A web application was developed to track the patient's rehabilitation progress at distance.
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lirmm-04107931 , version 1 (26-05-2023)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-04107931 , version 1


Ameur Latreche, Ridha Kelaiaia, Ahmed Chemori. AI-based Human Tracking for Remote Rehabilitation Progress Monitoring. ICAECE 2023 - International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2023, Tebessa, Algeria. ⟨lirmm-04107931⟩
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