Conference Papers Year : 2007

A Characterization of Flip-Accessibility for Rhombus Tilings of the Whole Plane


It is known that any two rhombus tilings of a polygon are flip-accessible, \emph{i.e.} linked by a finite sequence of local transformations called flips. This paper considers flip-accessibility for rhombus tilings of the \emph{whole plane}, asking whether any two of them are linked by a \emph{possibly infinite} sequence of flips. The answer turning out to depend on tilings, a \emph{characterization} of flip-accessibility is provided. This yields, for example, that any tiling by Penrose tiles is flip-accessible from a Penrose tiling.
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lirmm-00149368 , version 1 (25-05-2007)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00149368 , version 1


Olivier Bodini, Thomas Fernique, Éric Rémila. A Characterization of Flip-Accessibility for Rhombus Tilings of the Whole Plane. LATA 2007 - 1st International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Mar 2007, Tarragona, Spain. pp.139-150. ⟨lirmm-00149368⟩
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