Conference Papers Year : 2008

Observability of Stuck-at-Faults with Differential Power Analysis


In this paper we propose an innovative method to test integrated circuits based on the use of Differential Power Analysis. We will show that this technique, classically used to perform attacks on cryptographic devices, is very effective in observing single stuck-at faults. Based on the observation of the current consumed by the circuit during net transitions, it does not require observing primary outputs of the circuit and allows the test of hard-to-observe faults. Conversely to Iddq, this technique is not sensible to process variation.
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lirmm-00295498 , version 1 (11-07-2008)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-00295498 , version 1


Giorgio Di Natale, Marie-Lise Flottes, Bruno Rouzeyre. Observability of Stuck-at-Faults with Differential Power Analysis. LATW'08: IEEE Latin American Test Workshop, Feb 2008, Mexico. pp.N/A. ⟨lirmm-00295498⟩
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